San Francisco County









      Thomas J. Trodden, who is successfully engaged in the insurance business at 405 Montgomery street in San Francisco, is a native son of this city, his birth having occurred April 21, 1885. He is a son of the late Thomas and Theresa (Murphy) Trodden. The father came to California when a young man, in 1867, and followed his trade as a baker with Foley’s at Fourth and Jesse streets. He died in 1907. His wife came to California in 1867, then being in girlhood, and they were married in this state. Seven children were born to their union, of whom Thomas J. Trodden is the only survivor. The mother died in the year 1905.

      Thomas J. Trodden was afforded splendid educational advantages in his youth. He first attended the parochial school, and subsequently entered St. Mary’s College, from which he received the degree of Bachelor of Arts in 1904, while the Bachelor of Laws degree was conferred upon him by the University of Santa Clara in 1925. However, he did not take up law practice, but continued active in the mercantile business until 1927, at which time he took up insurance brokerage and the adjustment of claims. He has met with most satisfying results in his labors in this field, and has gradually increased the scope of his work in the bay district. He is known as a citizen of fine ability, and of honorable procedure in whatsoever he has undertaken.

      Mr. Trodden was married to Miss Rose M. Quinn, a sister of Chief of Police Quinn of San Francisco, and to their happy have been born four children, namely: Thomas J., Jr., Rose Mary, Virginia, and John.

      The political affiliation of Mr. Trodden is with the republican party, and religiously he is a communicant of the Roman Catholic Church. He has been very prominent in the Knights of Columbus, belonging to San Francisco Council No. 615, and he is now grand knight elect of this order. He also belongs to the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks and the United Commercial Travelers. He has always manifested a commendable interest in general civic affairs of his home city, and has generously lent his cooperation wherever he thought it would be of benefit.



Transcribed by: Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.

Source: Byington, Lewis Francis, “History of San Francisco 3 Vols”, S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., Chicago, 1931. Vol. 3 Pages 479-480.

© 2008 Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.










California Biography Project


San Francisco County