San Francisco County









      The Very Rev. Oreste Trinchieri, provincial general of the Western Province of Salesians of the Blessed Don Bosco in the United States of America, and now attached to the SS. Peter and Paul Church at 666 Filbert street in San Francisco, is one of the foremost men in the Catholic clergy of California. He was born near Turin, Italy, on June 2, 1885, and in the colleges of his native land he was educated for the priesthood.

      Father Trinchieri arrived in San Francisco, February 25, 1912, and for a period was at the Corpus Chiristi Church, while on April 4, 1914, he was transferred to SS. Peter and Paul Church. On June 1, 1926, he was appointed as provincial general of the Western Province of Salesians of the Blessed Don Bosco in the United States, his present position.

      At SS. Peter and Paul Church, Father Trinchieri has done notable work during the years he has been here, and especially among the boys of the parish has he given his fine influence and guidance on their path to manhood. The church has a parochial school of three hundred youths, and a Boys’ Club with a membership of two hundred and fifty. The Americanization School teaches the Italian-born to speak the English language and to become exemplary American citizens. In every way, the young people are trained with the correct viewpoint of life and their duty as future citizens. A detailed history of SS. Peter and Paul congregation is presented upon other pages of this volume.

      In the Italian citizenship of San Francisco, Father Trinchieri holds a position of importance, and his kindly counsel and religious guidance are widely sought by his parishioners. He has held a true interest in the civic affairs of San Francisco, and is accorded the public respect and admiration wherever he is known.



Transcribed by: Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.

Source: Byington, Lewis Francis, “History of San Francisco 3 Vols”, S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., Chicago, 1931. Vol. 3 Pages 233-234.

© 2008 Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.










California Biography Project


San Francisco County