San Francisco County









      Chauncey Tramutolo, one of San Francisco’s Italian-American citizens and a successful lawyer whose ability has brought him to the fore in his profession, was born in the province of Potenza, December 9, 1889, a son of Paul and Maria (Urana) Tramutolo. When but three years of age he crossed the Atlantic with his mother and arrived in San Jose, California, in 1892. In that city they joined the father, who had preceded them to this country, casting in his lot with the fruit growers of Santa Clara county, California. There were two sons in the family of Mr. and Mrs. Tramutolo and both parents are now deceased.

      In the acquirement of an education Chauncey Tramutolo attended the grammar and high schools of San Jose and was next a student at the University of Santa Clara, which awarded him the Bachelor of Science degree in 1912 and that of Bachelor of Laws in 1914. Admitted to the California bar in 1914, when a young man of twenty-five, he practiced for two years in San Jose and in 1917 removed to San Francisco. At that time he was appointed assistant United States attorney and served from 1917 until 1919. He was the first appointee from Santa Clara county and the first of Italian birth to be selected for that office. He resigned to become trust attorney for the Bank of Italy and served the institution in that capacity until 1920, when he returned to private practice. Associating himself with George M. Naus, Mr. Tramutolo has since maintained an office at 155 Montgomery street and is accorded a large and remunerative clientele. He is thorough and painstaking in the preparation of his cases and forceful, logical and convincing in their presentation.

      Mr. Tramutolo was married May 5, 1915, to Miss Isabel Donovan, who was born in San Francisco, and they have become the parents of a daughter, Ann Marie. They are communicants of the Roman Catholic Church, and Mr. Tramutolo gives his political allegiance to the democratic party. In the Knights of Columbus he has taken the third degree and is a past grand knight of Dante Council. He belongs to the Olympic Club, the Progress Club, the San Francisco Bar Association, the California State Bar Association and the American Bar Association. He largely finds his recreation in golf and during his student days was a member of the football and baseball teams of the University of Santa Clara, also playing baseball as a semi-professional. In healthful outdoor sports he maintains the physical vigor so essential to intense mental effort and has won an enviable place in a vocation which makes heavy demands upon the powers of perception and judgment.



Transcribed by: Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.

Source: Byington, Lewis Francis, “History of San Francisco 3 Vols”, S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., Chicago, 1931. Vol. 2 Pages 308-311.

© 2007 Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.










California Biography Project


San Francisco County