San Francisco County







     ASA P. TOWNER, a California pioneer of 1853, and one of the substantial farmers and dairymen of Marin county, came here in 1863, locating on his present farm of a thousand beautiful acres two and a half miles east of San Rafael, the situation overlooking the great bay of San Francisco.  The farm is devoted to dairying and poultry raising, with a few acres of orchard.  He has had as many as a hundred cows at one time.  The products of his dairy he has sold principally in San Francisco.

     Mr. Towner’s early life was passed on his father’s farm in Boxford, Essex county, Massachusetts, where he was born, November 24, 1825.  He learned the carpenter’s trade in his native State, and followed that calling for many years.  His parents, Samuel and Charlotte Towner, were both natives of Massachusetts, and of the old and influential families of that State, Asa being the ninth in a family of twelve children.  January 20, 1853, he took passage from New York, by way of Panama, for California, on the old steamers Ohio and Golden Gate, arriving February 19.  He followed his trade until 1857, when he removed across the bay to Oakland and carried on business as a contractor and builder until 1863, at which time he came to Marin county, and has since been considered one of the prominent dairymen.  During his residence here he has been Road Master six years.  He also takes an interest in school matters and all enterprises that have for their object the welfare of the community.  Politically he is a staunch and progressive Republican.  He is still unmarried and affiliates with no secret order.  He is a gentleman of retiring and modest disposition, and one who is highly respected by his friends and neighbors.

Transcribed 7-22-05  Marilyn R. Pankey.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Page 251-2, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2005 Marilyn R. Pankey.




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