San Francisco County





CHARLES  TOWE,  Fire Marshal, San Francisco, was born in the city of Boston, in the year 1849, is a caulker by trade, shipped before the mast and for some years followed the sea.  He came to California in 1873, and two years later joined the fire patrol.  The following year he became connected with the fire department, was appointed assistant foreman of engine No. 5, and was promoted foreman of hose No. 1.  In 1886 he received the appointment of Fire Marshal, and since then has filled the responsible position with ability and credit, his office being in the new city hall.  He belongs to the  I.  O. O. F.,  Templar Lodge, Unity Encampment, and also the order of K. of  P.  


Transcribed by Walt Howe.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, pages 12-13, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2005 Walt Howe.



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