San Francisco County









      Since pioneer days the name of Torassa has been a foremost one in the Italian colony of San Francisco, California, and a worthy representative of this family is Joseph A. Torassa, who is now a member of the real estate and insurance firm of Morris & Torassa, the offices of which are situated at 472 Columbus avenue.

      Mr. Torassa was born in San Francisco, on Bannon place, June 19, 1887, and is a son of G. B. and Josephine (Torassa) Torassa. As a young man, his father came to California in the early ‘60s, and settled in San Francisco. There was nothing then where North Beach is now, and in this area he enjoyed the sport of hunting ducks and rabbits. He was one of the first men to make salami in San Francisco. Later, he engaged in the wholesale and retail wine business, and developed an extensive trade, having supplied much wine to the vessels which made this port. He was quite active in the affairs of the Italian colony. His wife came to San Francisco in the early days for the purpose of marrying him, and to their happy union there were subsequently born four sons and four daughters, seven of the children now living. Mr. and Mrs. Torassa survive, the former having reached the age of eighty-six years and the latter eighty-seven years.

      Joseph A. Torassa studied in the grammar schools of San Francisco, and subsequently served an apprenticeship in the machinists’ trade for two years. He then engaged in teaming, later was a shipping clerk, and in 1924 joined with Mr. Morris in the real estate and insurance business, which they have continued with pronounced success to the present time. The fairness and business judgment they have exercised have brought them a large clientele. Mr. Torassa also has a commission as a notary public.

      Mr. Torassa married Miss Madaline De Martini, who was born in San Francisco, a daughter of Paul De Martini. They have one daughter, Elaine.

      The political attitude of Mr. Torassa has been independent in character, especially in local politics, and he has always voted for the candidates he considered best qualified for office. He is a director of the Columbus Civic Club, one of the largest organizations of American citizens of Italian extraction, and he is a member of the board of directors of the Property Owners Association. He is a past president of the Merchants Association. He belongs to the Young Men’s Institute, the Knights of Columbus, and the American Legion, and is greatly interested in social activities of the Italian colony of San Francisco. Hunting and fishing for trout and bass are favorite occupations of his when he has opportunity for recreation.



Transcribed by: Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.

Source: Byington, Lewis Francis, “History of San Francisco 3 Vols”, S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., Chicago, 1931. Vol. 3 Pages 135-136.

© 2007 Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.










California Biography Project


San Francisco County