San Francisco County








THOMAS PRICE TISDALE, M.D., is a native of Simcoe, Norfolk County, Ontario, born June 30, 1830, and brought up there on his father’s farm until he was about twenty years of age. He then went to Oberlin (Ohio) Collage, and in two years graduated in the classical department. While he became acquainted with the noted apostle of light gymnastics and health reform, Dr.  Dio Lewis, and for a year afterwards traveled with him as agent and assistant, and was induced by him to take up the study of medicine. Accordingly, in 1858, he finished a course at Western Homeopathic Collage, at Cleveland, Ohio, and graduated. During his collage career there he married Miss. Flora Lewis, a sister of the noted Physician and a native of Auburn, New York. He began the practice of his profession at Lowville, Lewis County, New York. Two or three years afterwards he returned to Canada, and in a short time he moved to Lockport, New York, Indianapolis, Indiana and Elmira, New York. From 1878 to 1884 he practiced medicine in Honolulu, Sandwich Islands; then after traveling in the East for about half a year, he settled on a ranch near San Jose, California which he had purchased immediately after his return from Honolulu; but, not finding ranching agreeable to his taste, he sold his land and bought property in Stockton and Alameda. He now owns some very valuable property in Oakland. In the winter of 1885 he moved to Alameda, since which time he has been regularly engaged in his chosen calling, in which he has always been very successful.

      He has two sons and three daughters. His brother in Canada, Colonel David Tisdale, is one of the most prominent men in that dominion, in railroad and political circles; is a member of the Canadian Parliament, and its Queen’s Counsel, ECT. Mrs. Tisdale has a brother, Judge Loran L. Lewis, Buffalo, New York, who is now a member of the State Supreme Bench of that State. 







THOMAS A. McGOWAN, a successful lawyer of San Francisco, came with his parents to California in early childhood and was reared and educated here. Entering a law office, he began the study of his profession, became managing clerk in the office, and during the years he remained there received much practical experience. He completed his law course at Hastings Collage of law and was admitted to the bar.

      While he is engaged in a general law practice, Mr. McGowan has given much attention to mercantile and commercial law, and has an extended country and mining practice; is attorney for mining corporations and a number of private enterprises.

      Mr. McGowan is connected with several fraternal organizations: is Noble Chief and presiding officer of the Knights of the Golden Eagle. 




Transcribed by Kim Buck.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Page 589, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Kim Buck.


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