San Francisco County







 CHARLES LEWIS TISDALE, M.D., in partnership with his father in the practice of medicine in Alameda, under the firm name of T.P. & C.L. Tisdale, was born June 2, 1858, in Auburn, New York, and received his education at the Academy at Elmira, that State, and at the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, pursuing his studies three years at the latter place. In 1878 he graduated at the Heinemann Medical Collage at Chicago, and also at the New York Homeopathic Collage. Then for six years he practiced his profession on the Sandwich Islands. Returning to the United States he was married in the fall of 1844 in Schoharie, New York, to Miss. Emma Krum, a daughter of Franklin Krum, a prominent banker of that place. Next he practiced his profession in Kansas City for a time. In the spring of 1886 he came to Alameda, since which time he has been a resident and a practitioner here. He is a member of and Medical Examiner for the Masonic United Endowment Associates, and a member of several other fraternal orders. He is Professor of Physiology in the Heinemann Hospital Collage of San Francisco; the rectal specialist to the Heinemann Hospital and to the Fabiola Hospital of Oakland; and editor of the California Homeopath, the organ of his school on the Pacific coast.

      At the last general election, held in 1888, Dr. Tisdale was a candidate for the Assembly on the American ticket, but of course entered the campaign with no expectation that it would be would be elected. He pulled more votes in his precinct, however, then his opponents in the principal parties, which shows his local popularity. 



Transcribed by Kim Buck.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Pages 590-591, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Kim Buck.


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