San Francisco County





CHARLES L. TILDEN, an honored resident of San Francisco, was born in Massachusetts in 1820.   His parents and

ancestors were natives of New England, his original progenitors having been English people.  Mr. Tilden attended school and served an apprenticeship to the carpenter’s trade in his native state.  


    The discovery of gold in California, which attracted the attention of the whole world, drew him to the Pacific coast.  He embarked on the steamer Ohio for Panama, thence on the Oregon to San Francisco, arriving here December 1, 1849.  He did not, however, follow the throng to the mines, but at once began working at his trade.  The following spring he engaged in business for himself, and since then for the past forty-one years, has been identified with the contracting and building interests of San Francisco, he being the oldest builder now in active business in this city.  The firm of Elliott & Tilden did an extensive business for many years, employing from fifty to seventy-five men.  Mr. Tilden is now alone in business, and gives his attention chiefly to general jobbing and store and office fitting.


     He is interested in good government, and in politics is a Republican, but not in any sense does he seek political preferment.      



Transcribed by Walt Howe. 

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, page 27, Lewis Publishing Co., 1892.

© 2005 Walt Howe.




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