San Francisco County









      Martin J. Tierney, who is now superintendent of municipal buildings for San Francisco city and county, was born in San Francisco, June 5, 1878. His education was acquired in the common schools and at Sacred Heart College. His first work was in the plumbing trade in the employ of Freeman Wren. He was next with the wholesale glass firm of W. P. Fuller & Company, and then was connected with the J. J. Mack Company, wholesale druggists. In 1908 he first entered public service as deputy sheriff under Lawrence J. Dolan, who was then sheriff, and following this he was connected with the county assessor’s office. In the year 1912 he started in the municipal building department of the city government as superintendent of public schools for the board of education, and in this capacity he remained for eight years. He was then assistant superintendent of streets for seven years, and held this position until three years ago, when he was appointed to the office of superintendent of municipal buildings. He likewise has charge of all the bridges in the city. Under his executive control, he has three hundred and twenty-five employes, two hundred municipal buildings, and one and a quarter millions of dollars yearly budget, all of which sum passes through his office. This is one of the important departments in the city administration, and Mr. Tierney deserves praise for the capable manner in which he has conducted the affairs of his office. His experience and observation of municipal affairs have constituted exceptional training, and he has profited much by the practical education thus acquired.

      On April 28, 1908, Mr. Tierney was married to Mary E. Conroy, of Boston, Massachusetts. They are the parents of two sons, Martin J., Jr., and John. The family residence is at 1317 Guerrero street in San Francisco.

      Mr. Tierney is one of the prominent supporters of the democratic party in the city. He has always been a member and for the past three years has been chairman of the democratic county central committee. He belongs to the Knights of Columbus and the Young Men’s Insitute.



Transcribed by: Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.

Source: Byington, Lewis Francis, “History of San Francisco 3 Vols”, S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., Chicago, 1931. Vol. 2 Pages 242-243.

© 2007 Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.










California Biography Project


San Francisco County