San Francisco County




D. Tiedemann is the senior member of the firm of D. Tiedemann & Co., produce and commission merchants and dealers in butter, eggs, cheese, poultry, potatoes, flour, wool, beans, honey, hides, canned beef, salt fish, dried fruits, California and Oregon produce of all kinds.  This commission house was first established in San Francisco in 1879, and has since become one of the principal local commission firms of that city.  Their business, which is very large and lucrative, is mostly confined within the limits of the State, excepting large invoices of produce received from Oregon and the northwest, which are handled and sold to the dealers of San Francisco and the surrounding cities.  The house is located in the busy center, 210 Clay street.

     Mr. Tiedemann was born in Hanover, Germany, September 28, 1851, the son of Henry and Annie (Fehring) Tiedemann, both of whom were also natives of Germany.  They had eleven children, our subject being the tenth.  He learned the blacksmith's trade in his native land, and came to America in 1870; from New York city he came to Chicago, where he established himself in business, but was compelled to move in consequence of the "warm spell" of October, 1871, after being burned out and losing all he had.  He traveled about for a time and followed his trade as a journeyman.  In 1872 he came to San Francisco and worked at his trade in the Pacific Rolling Mills for one year, which was too heavy for him, and he suffered, especially at times, in consequence of an accident received some years before, and he therefore became a shipping clerk to a wholesale commission house and held that position some five years, when he opened business on his own accout (sic).  In 1882 he disposed of his interest and was away from the city until 1884, when he returned, reopening business alone.  Some four years ago he took in his present partner, Mr. H. Kirchmann.

     Mr. Tiedemann has recently purchased property and built a beautiful cottage residence at 2030 San Antonio avenue, Alameda, where the family now resides.  Mr. Tiedemann was naturalized in 1879, and has since been allied with the Republican party and taken an active part in local politics.  He belongs to the Yerba Buena Lodge, No. 1,788 K. of H., and to the German Club, both of San Francisco.

     May 20, 1879, Mr. Tiedemann was married in San Francisco, to Miss Barbara Kaiser, a native of Germany.  They have four sons, namely, Henry, Dick, Carl and John.


Transcribed 12-19-04  Marilyn R. Pankey.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 1, page 676, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2005 Marilyn R. Pankey.



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