San Francisco County









LOUIS THORS, the popular artist of San Francisco, was born in Holland, in 1845.  He received his education in France and was fitted for service in the merchant marine.  After serving in this capacity for some years, he came, in 1876, from the East Indias to California.  In 1880 he established his present extensive business in this city.  His elegant suite of rooms consists of twelve or more apartments, used for reception, operating, retouching, etc., and are perfectly adapted to the accommodation of his constantly increasing business.

      Thors’ Gallery enjoys a deservedly high reputation among ladies, one cause of this being his fine posing, which is characteristic of his fine pictures, the result of his special study and attention to this important and attractive principle in his profession.

      Mr. Thors is the only artist in the city who uses the Nadar process, which is an application of photogravure to portraiture in photography and is noted for its softness and tone.  For work of this kind Mr. Thors was awarded the bronze prize at the Paris Exhibition.

Transcribed by Donna L. Becker 

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, page 678, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Donna L. Becker.



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