San Francisco County




R. A. Thompson, an old and honored citizen, and one of the best known in Northern California, is a native of the Old Dominion, and was reared and received his education in his native State.  In 1852 he came across the plains and arrived in this State August 1, 1852.  He soon afterward went to Sonoma county and bought a small farm, and also bought land in San Luis Obispo county, and engaged in sheep-raising.  While there, in 1862, he was elected County Supervisor, and was afterward chosen President of the Board.  Selling out his interests there he returned to Sonoma county, settled at Santa Rosa, was elected County Clerk, and re-elected twice by an increased majority.  He has been actively identified with political affairs and recognized as one of its most experienced supporters, was the editor of the Sonoma Democrat for some years.  Few men have taken so active an interest in developing the resources of Northern California.  In 1878 he published "The Resources of Sonoma County;" in 1882 the history of the town and township of Santa Rosa, and the following year a map of the county; and was one of the founders of the Free Public Library there.  Amid all his public and private duties he is a great student, and has one of the finest private libraries in the State, containing without doubt the finest collection of historical works on the Pacific coast.  Its collection is widely known among the best writers and literary men of the coast.  Mr. Thompson is broad and liberal in his views, and enjoys an enviable reputation wherever he is known.


Transcribed 12-30-04  Marilyn R. Pankey.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 1, pages 680-681, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2005 Marilyn R. Pankey.



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