San Francisco County







W. J. WALLIS, of the firm of Wallis & Theisen, manufacturers of window shades and dealers in all kinds of window and curtain fittings, came to San Francisco in May, 1886. He was reared in Chicago, and during his boyhood attended school in that city. He lived there until he came to San Francisco five years ago. Soon after coming here he entered the employ of a leading house in the same line of business in which he is now engaged, where he remained five years, obtaining a practical knowledge of the details of the business. In the spring of 1891, in company with F. W. Theisen, they established their present business at 1334 Mission street, where they manufacture all kinds of window shades and window curtains and fittings. They also make a specialty of the “Chope” combined adjustable window screen and shade is attracting much attention, and the demand for them is constantly increasing, and this firm is building up a nice business.

      Fred W. Theisen, of the firm of Wallis & Theisen, is a native son, born in San Francisco, and was reared and attended the public schools of this city. He learned his business here, and during the present year, in company with W. J. Wallis, established the present business at 1334 Mission street, where, by their industry and practical business ability, they are building up a good trade.



Transcribed by Donna L. Becker.

Source: “The Bay of San Francisco,” Vol. 2, Pages 474-475, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Donna L. Becker.




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