San Francisco County











Max Thelen, lawyer, was born in Rising City, Nebraska, on October 2, 1880; the son of Edmund and Fanny J. M. (Bayrhoffer).

            Graduated from University of California in 1904 with the degree of B.L. He also received the degree of A.M. from Harvard in 1906.

            He was with the law firm of Olney & Olney, San Francisco, California, 1906-07; assistant attorney and attorney for the Western Pacific Railway Company, 1907-11; attorney for the California State Railroad Commission from March 1911 to January 1915, member of the Commission from March 1912 to June 1918, and its president from January 1, 1915 to June 1918; lecturer on International Law at the University of California, 1907-13; president of the National Association of Railway Commissioners, 1916-17; and chairman of the Association’s Special War Committee, 1917-18; chairman of the Committee on Petroleum of California State Council of Defense, 1917-18; surveyor of contracts and chief of Purchase Branch, General Staff of the War Department, June 1918 to January 1919; chairman of the Superior Board of Contract Review, Army representative on the Munitions Patents Board, Chairman of Advisory Board on Sales and Contract Termination, and assistant to the director of Purchase, Storage and Traffic Division of the General Staff, War Department, September 1918 to January 1919; director of Public Service, United States Railroad Administration, February 1, 1919 to March 1, 1920, and director of Liquidation Claims, February 1 to October 1, 1920. Awarded the Distinguished Service Medal.

            Mr. Thelen is a member of the American Society of International Law, American Academy of Political and Social Science, American Bar Association, The State Bar of California, San Francisco Bar Association, American Law Institute; Phi Beta Kappa, Phi Delta Phi. He belongs to the Commonwealth Club (Board of Governors) and the Bohemian Club, both in San Francisco. Author of “Public Utilities Act,” enacted by the California Legislature in December, 1911, and other statutes. Author of “Leading Railroad and Public Service Commissions, 1912.”

            On May 1, 1913, he was married to Ora Emily Muir, of Willits, Mendocino County, California; children: Ora, Henry, Max Jr., and Dorothy Elise. The family residence is in Berkeley, California.

            He is senior partner in the law firm of Thelen, Marrin, Johnson & Bridges, 111 Sutter Street, San Francisco, California.






Transcribed By: Cecelia M. Setty.

Source: “Eminent Californians 1953”, by Lee E. Johnson & C. W. Taylor. Pages 493-493, C. W. Taylor Publ., Palo Alto, California, 1953.

© 2014  Cecelia M. Setty.






San Francisco County Biographies 

San Francisco County 

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