San Francisco County







SAMUEL TEVIS, M.D., has been a resident of California since 1868. He was born in Louisville, Kentucky, in 1859, the son of Joshua and Miriam (Carter) Tevis, who removed with their family to California in 1868. Samuel received his primary education in the schools of San Francisco, and his preparatory college course was pursued at Concord, New Hampshire, where he remained four years. Returning to California, he entered the HastingsLaw School, and then the law department of the University of California, where he received the Bachelor of Arts, degree after a three year course. He admitted to practice in the Supreme Court of California, and devoted two years to the practice of law, one year of which he held the position of Courtroom Clerk of the Supreme Court of San Francisco. Mr. Tevis then decided to take up the study of medicine, and commenced attending lectures at the medical department of the University of California, which he continued for one year. At the end of that time he went to Philadelphia, where he entered the Jefferson Medical College, and after the usual three years course he graduated as a doctor of medicine. He then went to London and Paris, where he took a course in the hospitals of those cities, spending six months in gaining the experience to be had only in those institutions. Returning to America, the Doctor took a course at the post-Graduate College, to make himself thorough as possible in his profession. On coming to San Francisco he entered into practice at No. 226 Post Street, where he has continued to practice since that time. He was appointed Commissioner of Insanity, which position he held for one year. He is a member of the County Medical Society of San Francisco.



Transcribed by Kim Buck.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Pages 593-594, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Kim Buck.


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