GEORGE M. TERRILL, M.D., whose office is at No. 400 Stockton Street, San Francisco, has been a resident of California for the past six years, during which time he has been engaged in the practice of medicine on the Pacific coast.  He was born Salem, Shenandoah Valley, Virginia, in 1859.  His earlier years were passed in close contact with the vivid scenes of the terrible war, which for four years was waged so near his home, and as a boy he has picked up many relics of bloody conflict with in common shot distance of his own home.


His early education was received at the Roanoke College at Salem, where he remained until the age of nineteen years.  He then went to Philadelphia, where he engaged in the study of medicine at the medical department of the University of Pennsylvania, graduating in the class of 1883.  He at once answered upon the practice of his profession at his native place, where he remained for ten years.  Mr. Terrill entered the United States army as assistant surgeon, and took part in the Apache Pass campaign in Arizona and new Mexico.  After one year's service he resigned, having determined to practice medicine in San Francisco, and he has been located here since that time.  The Doctor has succeeded to the practice of his brother, the late Dr. F. H. Terrill, who died of small-pox in 1888 in San Francisco, at the age of thirty-four years, in the very flush of a successful and brilliant career.  Both of these gentlemen are physicians by inheritance, having sprung from an ancestral line of physicians.  Dr. Frank H. Terrill was a graduate of the University of Virginia, and after a post-graduate course at Philadelphia he joined the United States navy as surgeon and passed several years in that service.  Coming to Californian 1881, his splendid abilities soon won for him a brilliant position, both socially and professionally.  He was a martyr in his devotion to his love of humanity and his profession.  He was one of the Presidents of the International Medical Congress, which met in Washington in 1887.  Dr. Geo. M. Terrill has been for some time Brigade Surgeon and Colonel of the First Regiment of Infantry.  N. G. C.




Source: "The Bay of San Francisco" Volume 1. Lewis Publishing Company 1892. Page 478.

Submitted by: Nancy Pratt Melton.

© 2004 Nancy Pratt Melton


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