San Francisco County







   JAMES M. TAYLOR, a prominent attorney of San Francisco, is an honored member of the Society of California Pioneers, and a native of Vermont, born in Manchester, Bennington county, December 29, 1821.  His parents were early settlers of New England.  His maternal grandfather was a soldier in the Revolutionary struggle, participating in the battle of Bunker Hill, and the subject of this sketch bears the name of his heroic grandfather.  He received his education in Vermont and New York, and studied his profession in the latter State.  Upon the discovery of gold in California attracting the attention of the whole world, sailed from New York, March 8, 1849, on the steam-ship Falcon, and from Panama on this side on the whale-ship Sylph, Captain Gardner, and arrived here July 26.  He joined the throng and went to the mines, but his mining experience was brief, as he remained there only six weeks, and then returned to San Francisco.  He was elected Representative from this city to the State Legislative as a Whig in 1852, and served in the sessions of 1853 and 1854, and again elected the same year, the second time after his resignation, for opposing the extension of the water front 600 feet beyond what it is now.  After he resigned he was unanimously re-elected.  In 1858 he was again elected Representative, as a Republican, from this city to the State Legislature.  He has been actively identified in the progress and development of the city and State.


Transcribed by Cathi Skyles.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, page 315-316, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2005 Cathi Skyles.




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