San Francisco County





     DR. EDWARD K. TAYLOR, one of the best-known members of the San Francisco bar and President of the Bar Association, is a native of Illinois, born at Springfield, September 24, 1838.  His father’s family was among the oldest in the State of Delaware, and his mother belonged to one of the oldest and most prominent families in Philadelphia.

     Dr. Taylor received his education in Missouri, and after reaching manhood came to the Pacific coast, in 1862.  He studied medicine and graduated at the Toland Medical College, after which he was engaged in the practice of that profession until 1867, when he accepted the position of private secretary to Governor Haight, performing the duties of that important post during the Governor’s administration.  He then took up the study of law, and was admitted to the bar of the Supreme Court in January, 1872.  He entered the law office of Jarboe & Harrison, and two years later engaged in the practice of law, forming a co-partnership with Governor Haight in January, 1874.  They continued in practice together until the death of Governor Haight, which occurred in September, 1878.  Soon after George W. Haight became a partner with Dr. Taylor, and they remained together until 1890, when the Doctor withdrew from the firm and has since continued to practice alone.  He is a great student and not only a leading member of the San Francisco bar but is prominently identified with all the progressive literary and educational interests of the city.

     Dr. Taylor was one of the fifteen freeholders to frame a charter in 1886 and 1887 for the city of San Francisco.  He is one of the Trustees of the Free Public Library, is Vice-President of the cooper Medical College, and is an honorary member of the State Medical Society, the San Francisco County Medical society, and the Alumni Society of the medical department of the University of California, besides being connected with other societies and organizations.

 Transcribed 7-22-05  Marilyn R. Pankey.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Page 252, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2005 Marilyn R. Pankey.




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