San Francisco County





      This well-known attorney at law, of San Francisco, was born in Dublin, Ireland. From the Emerald Isle he went to London, England, and from there, in 1858, came to California. He studied law, and, in 1863, was admitted to the bar of the Supreme Court before Chief Justice Field; and since that time, for over a quarter of a century, has been engaged in the practice of law in the courts of this city and State. He formerly gave much attention to criminal law, and had a large and successful practice in that department. Of late years, however, his business, has been principally before civil courts, and has been general.

      Mr. Sutherland is a staunch Republican, and has taken an active part in political affairs ever since his arrival on this coast. He is prominently identified with the fraternal order of Knights of Honor, was Vice Grand Dictator for two years, and afterward Grand Dictator. Mr. Sutherland is also connected with other organizations in this city. 

Transcribed by Kay Schmidt 1/28/06.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Page 291, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Kay Schmidt.


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