San Francisco County









      Harry F. Sullivan, who is now successfully engaged in the practice of law in San Francisco, is of the second generation of his family to achieve prominence at the local bar, his father having been known widely as a brilliant attorney and distinguished jurist. He was born in San Francisco, October 20, 1877, and is a son of Jeremiah F. and Helen (Bliss) Sullivan.

      Jeremiah F. Sullivan was born in the state of Connecticut, August 19, 1851, and in his infancy was brought to California by his parents. The family came by way of the Isthmus of Panama, and first settled in Grass Valley, Nevada county, but later moved to San Francisco. Here Jeremiah F. Sullivan took up the study of law at St. Ignatius College and graduated in 1870. He was admitted to the California state bar January 13, 1874. He acquired a most favorable reputation soon after he began active practice, and at the time the superior court was established in San Francisco he was elected one of the twelve associate judges of this tribunal. In August, 1889, he resigned in order to practice his profession privately in association with his brother, Matt. I. Sullivan, under the firm name of Sullivan & Sullivan. He was quite active in the early years of the San Francisco Bar Association, and was one of the founders of this organization. At the beginning there were three hundred and seventy-five members, and when he ceased work there were over one thousand enrolled. He held the office of president of the association for seven years. From Governor Richardson he received the honorary appointment as an associate justice of the supreme court of California, and in this capacity he served for two weeks. Among the noted cases which he tried was the Sharon case. He was the first president of Council No. 35 of the Young Men’s Institute. A separate biography of Hon. Jeremiah Francis Sullivan, who died January 23, 1928, may be found on other pages of this work. His wife was a daughter of George D. Bliss, a prominent cattleman and one of the foremost pioneers of California. Their children who are now surviving are as follows: Harry F.; Mrs. Gertrude M. Breeden; Mrs. Helen B. Schumann; Jeremiah F.; and Marguerite Croonquist.

      Harry F. Sullivan attended the public schools of San Francisco and continued his studies at St. Ignatius College, from which he received the degree of Master of Arts. Next he entered upon the study of law at the Hastings College of Law, and from this institution received his legal degree May 16, 1901; he was admitted to the California state bar during the same year. He immediately thereafter began the practice of his chosen profession in association with his father, and this arrangement continued for many years. Since this connection was severed at his father’s death, he has practiced alone and has specialized to a great extent in taxation law. His offices at present are situated at 718 Humboldt Bank building in San Francisco.

      Mr. Sullivan has been married and is the father of four children, namely: Harry I., who is a graduate of the University of California; Katherine P.; William A.; and Robert P.

      Mr. Sullivan holds membership in the San Francisco, the California State, and the American Bar Associations, and also belongs to the Olympic and the Commonwealth Clubs of his home city. He is widely known as one who has observed strictly the ethical code of the bar; and he has a record of exceeding merit which commends him highly before the public.



Transcribed by: Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.

Source: Byington, Lewis Francis, “History of San Francisco 3 Vols”, S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., Chicago, 1931. Vol. 3 Pages 170-172.

© 2008 Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.










California Biography Project


San Francisco County