San Francisco County









      As the president of the H. Fred Suhr Company, Incorporated, at 2919 Mission street, Fred Suhr has charge of a business established by his father a half century ago, and which is considered one of the most pretentious and modern undertaking firms on the Pacific coast. He also holds the office of supervisor of San Francisco county at this time.

      Fred Suhr was born in San Francisco, April 27, 1877, and is a son of the late H. F. and Anna E. (Ulrich) Suhr, who were pioneers of this city. He attended the public schools and graduated from the Lincoln grammar school. In 1894 he entered into his father’s business in undertaking, which had been started many years previously. He has remained with the company ever since, and has been the president since the time of his father’s death. The concern, as noted, is one of the finest on the coast. The equipment, the chapel, the display rooms, and the private conveniences for the bereaved families are according to the latest advancements in the profession. In 1924, the home of the company was completely remodeled at a cost of ninety thousand dollars.

      Mr. Suhr has been extraordinarily active in political affairs, and has always given his support to the republican party. In 1913, he was elected county supervisor, having received at the polls a vote of forty-three thousand, which was the highest of any candidate. He served two two-year terms and one four-year term, and then in 1927 was elected again to the office for a four-year term. He has manifested a fine intelligence in county affairs during his tenure of office, and has lent his earnest efforts to every measure of benefit to this community. He is one of the forward-looking citizens of San Francisco, and his loyalty and honor have ever been free from criticism.

      On September 25, 1901, Mr. Suhr was married to Miss Edna B. Anderson, a daughter of Captain Peter Anderson, who is a well known mariner of San Francisco and the western coast. Mr. and Mrs. Suhr have two children, Winifred and Herbert. The family residence is situated at 2100 Green street.

      Mr. Suhr is a member of all branches of the Order of Foresters, also belongs to the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, the Improved Order of Red Men, the Modern Woodmen of the World, the Union League Club, and the Commonwealth Club.



Transcribed by: Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.

Source: Byington, Lewis Francis, “History of San Francisco 3 Vols”, S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., Chicago, 1931. Vol. 3 Pages 15-16.

© 2007 Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.










California Biography Project


San Francisco County