San Francisco County




Mark Strouse, a successful business man of San Francisco and proprietor of the Bay City Meat Market, 1136-1140 Market street, and also doing a large meat-packing business, came to the Pacific coast in 1861, when sixteen years of age.  He is a native of Germany, born in 1845, received his education and spent the first sixteen years of his life in his native country.  His first business in California was mining at Mokelumne Hill, Calaveras county.  He obtained a mining claim, for which he was offered $10,000; this he declined, and at the end of six months left it as worthless.  He turned his attention to butchering, and in the spring of 1863 went to Virginia City, Nevada, helped take 5,000 head of stock there and for six months worked in the meat market.  Mr. Strouse and a brother then purchased the market and began a career of prosperity, which was continued in that city till 1880 - seventeen years.  While Mr. Strouse resided there he took an active part in political and other affairs of the city.  In 1868 he was elected by his party (the Democratic) Marshal of the city, and filled the position in a most business-like and creditable manner; and at the expiration of his term of office he was elected Treasurer of the city, and in this, as in his former office, his management of the financial affairs of the city gave the highest satisfaction.  While Marshal of the city he had the satisfaction of arresting three notorious robbers, who had committed several crimes and were a menace to the country.  They were found guilty and sent to State's prison. When Mr. Strouse came to San Francisco in 1880 he purchased his present market and engaged in business in this city, and met with success from the start, soon attaining a leading position in the business, as he has acquired the good will of a large patronage, and has in his employ seventy-five men and twelve boys.  He has in his market the largest cooler on the coast, which enables him to keep his immense stock of meats in choice condition.  He is a man of push, energy and large business experience, and what he undertakes succeeds.  He has a valuable ranch at Honey Lake, Nevada, where he raises a part of the stock for his large business.  He usually packs about thirty hogs per day, and also packs beef extensively.  He cures the Emlie ham, which has acquired a wide reputation; his lard has the same brand. Mr. Strouse has belonged to many of the fraternal societies, but the pressure of business has caused him to drop most of them.

     He was married in 1874 to Miss Lillie Edgeryton, a native of Virginia City, and they had three children, two of whom died; the surviving one is named Berdhea.  Mr. Strouse lost his wife, and was married again in 1883, to Miss Amelia Emlie Bulhert, a native of Mokelumne Hill, California.  They have two sons, born in San Francisco:  Mark and Albert A.  Mr. Strouse is what may be styled a self-made man, as it has been wholly by his own efforts that he has acquired his well-earned success.


Transcribed 1-25-05  Marilyn R. Pankey

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 1, pages 693-694, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2005 Marilyn R. Pankey.


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