San Francisco County





LEVI STRAUSS.—The firm of Levi Strauss & Co. Is one of the best known wholesale dry-goods establishments on the Pacific coast.

Mr. Strauss, who is the senior member and originator of the firm, is a native of Germany. He came to the United States in 1848, and to San Francisco in 1853, when he opened the wholesale firm, at the head of which he has successfully stood for the past thirty-eight years. During this time San Francisco has grown from a small and unimportant town to be the great metropolis of the Pacific coast. He was first located on California street, but after three years found the store too small for their business and removed to Sacramento street and rented the store which they afterward purchased. Still needing more room and better facilities for business, in 1868 they purchased the lot on Battery street and erected their present building, 91-10/12 x 137-1/2 feet, four stories and basement. The business of the firm is quite extensive. Their goods find a market in Honolulu, British Columbia, Alaska and Australia, and all along the Pacific coast and as far east as Chicago. The firm for years manufactured a portion of their gents’ furnishing goods, and in 1885 engaged in manufacturing more extensively. In their present factory they furnish employment to 500 girls and men–all white labor– manufacturing large quantities of shirts, overalls, etc. Mr. Strauss was a stockholder in the Pioneer Woolen Mill of the Pacific coast. In 1887 he associated with him in business four of his nephews, Jacob, Sigmund, Louis and Abraham Stern. They are all men fully informed in the details of the business, and possessed of marked ability.

Mr. Strauss had not been long in business until he became convinced of the great future that awaited the city of his choice. From time to time he invested his surplus funds in city property and became one of the potent factors in building the city. Many of the substantial business blocks on Kearny, Market, Post, Powell, Sansome and other streets were built by him. He has bought, built and sold much property, and is still the owner of valuable holdings. He has been one of the directors of the Nevada Bank since the organization of the new corporation, and is a director in the San Fernando Land and Milling Company, director in the San Francisco Gas Company, and director in London, Liverpool and Globe Insurance Company, besides having various other business interests. In fact, his has been a life of great business activity, and his good judgment and common sense have led him along the lines which have usually resulted in success. He has been deeply interested in the growth and prosperity of San Francisco, and has contributed his full share in bringing about the grand results that have been achieved. He has given but little of his time to either politics or fraternal societies; but there is a large and generous side to his character that has led him to connect himself with several of the benevolent and charitable societies of San Francisco. The rules which have governed his business life and affairs have been those of the highest integrity. To this and the business facilities and growth of San Francisco may be attributed his success.


Transcribed by 9-15-06 Marilyn R. Pankey.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Pages 336-337, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Marilyn R. Pankey.


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