San Francisco County






   Mrs. M. D. Stockham, M. D., a physician of Oakland since 1877, was born in Vermont, a daughter of Samuel and Maria (Wells) Hemenway, both natives of Massachusetts, and moved with them to Ohio, in the ninth year of her age, settling in Geauga county.  The father lived to the age of sixty-two, though his condition had been weakened by a severe attack of measles at the age of twenty-five.  The mother, naturally a strong, healthy woman, died at the age of fifty-three, of acute disease.  The subject of this sketch was married in Chester, Ohio, 1848, to William Wilson, born in Ohio, a son of Luke and Melissa (Bothwell) Wilson, the father being a native of Granville, Washington county, New York.  After their marriage Mr. and Mrs. William Wilson lived for some years in Kirtland, Lake county, Ohio, engaged chiefly in farming.  Mrs. Wilson took up the study of medicine in the Homeopathic Medical College of Cleveland.  Mr. and Mrs. Wilson moved to Fremont county, Iowa, in 1862, settling in Tabor, where Mrs. Wilson continued her medical studies with a local physician, and under the instructions of the dean of the Cleveland College.  Having obtained the usual license, Mrs. Dr. Wilson practiced her profession in Tabor until 1869, and in Council Bluffs for five years.  In 1874 she came to California, and, receiving a certificate as a homeopathic physician from the State Board, she practiced in Marysville two and half years.  There Mr. Wilson died, of apoplexy, in 1877, at the age of fifty-seven.  Before the close of the year she came to Oakland with her two surviving children, and has practiced here ever since, except in 1881-2, when she was ill of Bright’s disease.  Given up by visiting physicians as beyond all hope of recovery, she took full charge of her own case, and by noting all changes and carefully seeking the proper remedy for each phase, she succeeded in securing her complete recovery.  She has since published a pamphlet on the subject, which has attracted some attention; has been very successful in treating Bright’s disease of the kidneys, diabetes, etc.  During her illness she spent some months in Colorado, which proved of some benefit.  She has for many years conducted a cancer hospital on Twelfth street, Oakland, besides attending to her general practice.

   Mrs. Dr. Wilson had four sons: Arthur L., born in 1849, married in Council Bluff Miss Helen Moore (a native of Kirtland, Ohio), and died in Pueblo, Colorado, at the age of twenty-four years, the result of an accident and the bursting of a small blood-vessel terminating in consumption.  He had two children, who died in infancy.  Alton S., her second son, died of diphtheria, in Kirtland, Ohio, at the age of ten years.  Her oldest surviving son is A. W. Wilson, born in 1854, married in Oakland to Miss Sophia Meally, and has one daughter, Marrilla Jane, born July 25, 1888.  Her other son is Armo H. Wilson, of Oakland, born in 1856, married Miss Ethel Brodt of Pleasanton, and has one child, Arthur B., born June 26, 1889.

   Mrs. Dr. M. D. Wilson was again married, January 26, 1890, to Dr. G. H. Stockham, of Oakland, who was born in Dublin, Ireland, and educated in that city.  Dr. Stockham is a member of the Eclectic Medical Society of Alameda county, and a writer of marked ability on professional topics.  He is recently the author of the work entitled, “Temperance and Prohibition,” which is considered a very able treatise.  He is the father of two children by a former marriage, both residents of Chicago, namely:  William H., now connection with the Illinois Malleable Iron Works in that city, and Cora L., the proprietor and editor of the “Kindergarten,” a monthly magazine now published in Chicago.

   Mrs. Dr. Stockham continues in the practice of her profession, is a member of the California Homeopathic Medical Society, being willing to accept right principles from any source.


Transcribed by Donna L. Becker 

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, pages 137-138, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2005 Donna L. Becker.




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