San Francisco County












            Col. Stevenson, venerable and distinguished brother, was elected the first Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of California, April 17, 1850. During a long and useful life he has justly earned the title of being the father and founder of Freemasonry on the Pacific Coast.

            His Masonic career commenced in Phoenix Lodge, No. 40, New York, in 1821, and he was elected Senior Warden of his lodge December 22, 1882. “He has the honor of having been the Master of the only lodge in the city of New York that had courage to hold regular meetings and perform the Masonic work during that unreasonable panic and fanatical craze.

            He received the Royal Arch degree of Masonry in Phoenix Chapter, New York city, in 1832, and was elected King. The celebrated “Stevenson’s Regiment” was recruited by him, under authority to sail around the horn and serve in California. He commenced this work at the adjournment of the Legislature of New York, of which he was a member. As a lawyer, military man, and civilian he has filled exalted positions, and during a long and arduous career in serving his country and humanity he had led an honest and blameless life. Our esteemed brother is nearly ninety years old, and until a recent accident was performing the active duties of life. As men and Masons we can point with pride to such men as our countrymen and fathers.  




Transcribed By: Cecelia M. Setty.

Source: “Illustrated Fraternal Directory Including Educational Institutions on the Pacific Coast”, Page 114, Publ. Bancroft Co., San Francisco. Cal.  1889.

© 2012 Cecelia M. Setty.






San Francisco County Biographies 

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