JOHN J. STEPHENS, of San Francisco, was born at New Brighton, Staten Island, New York, December 25, 1864.  His parents came to San Francisco, California, in 1868, where he attended and graduated from the grammar schools and Heald's Business College.  He afterward entered the law offices of McAllister & Bergin, where he pursued his legal studies, and also attended the Hastings College of Law, and was admitted to the Supreme Court at Sacramento May 5, 1885.  He remained with the legal firm of McAllister & Bergin nine years, after which he went to Santa Barbara to practice his profession, and one and a half years later returned to this city and resumed the practice of his profession.  Mr. Stevens is a Republican in his political views, having been a member of the Republican State Convention which nominated H. H. Markham for Governor, and having made his speech securing the nomination of Ralph C. Harrison for the office of Justice of the Supreme Court of California.  He now occupies the position of Assistant City and County Attorney of the city and county of San Francisco.  In fraternal societies he is a prominent spirit, having been First Grand Vice-President of the Young Men's Institute, and Chief Ranger of Court Aurora of the Ancient Order of Forrester's of America.




Source: "The Bay of San Francisco" Volume 1. Lewis Publishing Company 1892. Page 478-479.

Submitted by: Nancy Pratt Melton.

© 2004 Nancy Pratt Melton


San Francisco County California Biography Project


California Statewide


Golden Nugget Library