James King Steele, author, editor, publicist and progressive man of affairs, was born at Keokuk, Iowa, on the 30th of June, 1875, a son of Daniel and Anna (Wilson) Steele. Mr. Steele acquired his early education in the public schools of his native city, and thereafter took special studies in the great University of Chicago. By reason of impaired health Mr. Steele came to California in the year 1904. From 1909 to 1911 he was editor and publisher of a weekly paper at Del Monte, this state, and thereafter he was publisher of a weekly paper of the Traveler De Luxe Monthly until 1916, in which year he was engaged with the Japan Illustrated Travel Monthly. Since that year he has held the position of advertising manager of Toyo Kisen Kaisha, an oriental steamship company, with office headquarters at 551 Market Street, San Francisco. The family home in this city is at 2029 Vallejo Street. Mr. Steele still continues to give time to literary work, and among his best known published works are: “The Hope Ranch” (1910), “Oriental Outings” (1918), and a book of poems entitled “Bits of Jade,” also “Wondering Feet,” (1923). He has traveled extensively in the Orient and in Europe, is vice president of the American organization of the Japan Society, is a republican in political allegiance, is a member of the Commercial and Advertising Clubs of San Francisco, and he and his wife hold membership in the Presbyterian Church.

July 19, 1904, recorded the marriage of Mr. Steele and Miss Edith Shorb, of San Marino, Los Angeles County, and the one child of this union is a son, James Shorb Steele. 

Mr. Steele has three brothers and one sister: William K., is a resident of the City of Chicago; Daniel H. and Charles reside in New York City; and Elizabeth maintains her home at Lorain, Ohio. 

Louise E. Shoemaker Transcriber February 15th, 2004


© 2004 Louise Shoemaker


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