San Francisco County




David Jackson Staples



David Jackson Staples, President of the Fireman’s Fund Insurance Company since 1867, is a California pioneer, and, like many of his associates, is a self-made man.  Mr. Staples was born in Medway, Massachusetts, in May, 1824, was left an orphan when a youth, and had to work for his support and education.  He was first employed on a farm, and later apprenticed himself to William Mason, a prominent locomotive builder in Taunton, Massachusetts.  After learning his trade he was employed two years in the National Arsenal at Springfield.

            In April, 1849, he started across the continent with a company of twenty-five men, from Boston and vicinity, and arrived in Sacramento on September 27.  For twelve years he was engaged in ranching, stock-raising and merchandising.  In 1862 he became Port Warden in San Francisco, holding the office under the appointment of Governor Stanford, and afterward under Governor Low.

            Mr. Staples was president of the Fireman’s Fund during the great fires at Chicago and Boston, and his courage, business ability and the policy then adopted by the company have had the most satisfactory effect upon his standing as an underwriter and a citizen of the highest integrity.  For fifteen years he has been president of the San Francisco Board of Underwriters.

            In 1848 Mr. Staples was united in marriage with Miss Mary Pratt Winslow, of Newton, Massachusetts, whose ancestry dates back to the Mayflower.  There have been born to them, in San Francisco, three children, two daughters and a son.  The older daughter, Mary E., married and after several years died, leaving four children, who are now living with Grandpa and Grandma Staples.  The son, John C., died in San Francisco, and the younger daughter, Bina, is the wife of Dr. H. W. Yemans, and also resides in this city.

            In politics Mr. Staples is a Republican.  He is a member of the I. O. O. F. and of the Society of California Pioneers.



Transcribed by Joyce and David Rugeroni.

Source: “The Bay of San Francisco,” Vol. 2, Page 386, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Joyce & David Rugeroni.




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