San Francisco County












            The name of Stanford will be commemorated as one most dear to Californians. Josiah Stanford is a brother of Senator Stanford, and the eldest of the family. He is a fine type of an American gentleman of the old school, and has been prominently connected with the development of our State, and as a pioneer was instrumental in inducing Governor Stanford to come tot this State. Although Mr. Josiah Stanford has not been connected with railroad building in this State, he did assist his father, Mr. Josiah Stanford, Senior, in his contracts for building railroads in New York State, among which was the railroad from Albany to Schenectady. Mr. Stanford arrived in California in 1849, and commenced merchandising at Mormon Island. Subsequently he opened a large hardware house in Sacramento, and subsequently a large oil store in San Francisco, which is still carried on by one of his sons. We reproduce from an interesting sketch printed in 1886 in The Resources of California:

            “Mr. Stanford is a man of powerful frame and naturally strong constitution. His threescore and ten years sit lightly upon him, and a stranger would scarcely suppose him to be more than sixty years of age. His step is firm and his form erect; his eye, bright, clear and sparkling, has occasionally a merry twinkle which bespeaks the kindly, genial soul within. Mr. Stanford is a member of the Society of California Pioneers, and evidently takes pride in the fact that he was one of those who laid the foundation of this great and growing State, and that through his influence is probably due the presence and citizenship in California of the founder of the Leland Stanford, Junior, University.”




Transcribed By: Cecelia M. Setty.

Source: Illustrated Fraternal Directory Including Educational Institutions on the Pacific Coast”, Page 34, Publ. Bancroft Co., San Francisco. Cal.  1889.

© 2012 Cecelia M. Setty.







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