San Francisco County





Solomon S. Stambaugh, M. D., whose office is at No. 640 Clay street, San Francisco, has been a resident of California since 1852, and engaged in the practice of medicine since 1851. He was born in Columbus, Ohio, in 1828; his family are of French descent, his grandfather having come to Pennsylvania about 1790 from Alsace, France, and his mother’s family about the same time, from the same part of France.  They later moved to Ohio, and were among its earliest settlers.  Solomon received his early education in the public schools of Columbus, and later in Carter’s Academy at the same place.  He commenced the study of medicine in 1846, as a pupil of the Demonstrator of Anatomy in the Starling Medical College of that city, graduating at that school in 1857.  He commenced the practice of medicine in 1851 in Delaware county, Ohio, where he continued about seven months.


In 1852 Dr. Stambaugh crossed the plains to California with ox teams, taking six months for the trip from the Missouri river to the coast.  He mined a few months during the winter of 1852-3, and then went to South America, where he engaged in the practice of medicine in Valparaiso, Chili.  He was also Surgeon to the American Hospital.  The Doctor returned to California in 1855, and was engaged in the practice of medicine until the breaking out of the Rebellion.  He then went East, and was appointed by the United States Examining Surgeon of recruits, in which duty he continued five years, and was then engaged in hospital service until the close of the war.  He was an operating surgeon at the United States Seminary Hospital at Camp Thomas and also at Camp Dennison.  At the close of the war Dr. Stambaugh returned to California, where he again engaged in the practice of his profession in San Mateo county.  In 1868 he returned East, and became a member of the house of Fuller, Childs & Co.,  wholesale boot and shoe dealers and manufacturers of Toledo, Ohio, in which business he remained four years.  He then became a member of the law firm of Lockwood & Everett, Toledo, Ohio, dealing extensively in lands.  He returned to California in 1877, and engaged in the practice of medicine in San Francisco, and later becoming Master of the City Receiving Hospital and one of the consulting surgeons of St. Mary’s Hospital, where he remained until 1883.  In that year the Doctor again went East, and with other associates became interested in the pine timber lands of Alabama and Mississippi, which was a disastrous investment.  He returned to California in 1885 and has since been continuously engaged in the practice of medicine.


Transcribed Karen L. Pratt.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 1, pages 656, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2005 Karen L. Pratt.



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