San Francisco County








MISS SUSAN SROUFE is a talented artist of San Francisco whose work is attracting much attention. She is a native of California, and her parents are honored residents of this city. They emigrated from Ohio, the State in which they were born, when gold was first discovered in California, making the Journey overland with their own teams. They were four months on the way, but had a comparatively easy trip.

      Miss Sroufe in early life betrayed her talent for drawing, and in the public schools received her first instruction in the art. After leaving school she received lessons from the best teachers, and made steady progress. She then spent three years abroad, studying in Munich and Paris. She prefers the French schools, and one of her subject was exhibited in the Paris Salon, receiving favorable mention; the same subject was published in the “American Ideals.” At the end of three years spent so pleasantly and profitably in the study of the master pieces of the world, she returned to San Francisco and opened a studio. She has a beautiful suite of rooms which are decorated with her own work. Among the finished pieces are “Lake Tahoe” and “On the Trail,” which attracts the artist’s eye at once. There are many smaller studies which are executed with the true artist’s skill and betray the unmistakable genius of the hand that has fashioned so true to nature.

      As a pastime Miss Sroufe has taken-up woodcarving, in which she also excels. She has finished some work of the most elaborate and artistic design which are a most tasteful addition to the other decorations of her studio.


Transcribed by Kim Buck.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Page 522, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Kim Buck.


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