San Francisco County








MENZO SPRING, manufacturer of the most improved artificial limbs, occupies an important though somewhat unique position in commercial circles.  He is a native of Madison county, New York, born in 1832, and received his education in the county of his birth.  In early manhood he went to Massachusetts, where he had the misfortune to lose a lower limb, and it was this circumstance which lead him to engage in his present business.  He returned to New York after having purchased at Springfield, Massachusetts, one of the most celebrated artificial limbs of that time, the Palmer, and wore it for a number of years; then went to Rochester for an artificial limb, where he met Dr. Bly, the inventor of Bly’s artificial limbs.  He formed a business connection with the Doctor, which lasted three years.  During this time he was stationed at Rochester, New York, Cincinnati, Ohio, Washington, District of Columbia, Richmond, Virginia, and Macon, Georgia, assisting in the work of filling orders of contracts with the United States Government, and making limbs for the Lost Cause of the Southern States named, at the close of the war.  He next went to Wisconsin and in four years found his way to California.  This was in 1870.  In a few weeks he met a stranger on the street who wanted an artificial limb, and in this chance acquaintance had his first customer.

      For the past twenty years he has been actively engaged in the manufacture of artificial limbs, and has secured several patents, one of them being an improved artificial leg-cord or tendon for the connection of the foot and ankle of the artificial legs.  Other important ones are for improved knee-joints, used principally for amputations when at or below the knee.  He has also invented an improved “rotary stopper” and metal socket for the foot, an improved knee-spring for amputation above the knee, and an improved take up for the lost motion or wear of the joints of the limbs,—all of which are important improvements,—as well as other improvements of more or less utility.  His trade extends up the coast to British Columbia, to the Sandwich Islands, to Samoa and San Salvador.  He is the oldest manufacturer in this line in the city, and gives employment to several men.

      Mr. Spring is a member of the Patriotic order of Sons of America. 



Transcribed by Donna L. Becker.

Source: “The Bay of San Francisco,” Vol. 2, Page 490, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Donna L. Becker.




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