C. R. Splivalo & Co.

C. R. Splivalo & Co. is one of the representative and successful business firms of San Francisco.  The California Italian Paste Company was established in 1857, and Mr. Splivalo became owner of the same in 1872.  In 1876 he started the California Flour Mills, which were burned in 1881, and the next year, in company with S. W. Forman, they built the Yosemite Flour Mills at No. 1066 and 1068 Bryant street, on lots with a frontage of 162-1/2 feet.  Their mill is of brick, three stories and a basement, and the paste and box factories are located together, having their office at No. 321 Sacramento street.  Mr. Forman retired from the business in 1885, and Mr. Polastri took his place in the firm, which became C. R. Splivalo & Co.  They are provided with the best machinery, employ forty men, and produce large quantities of choice floor and Italian paste.  Large quantities of the flour is used by city bakers of San Francisco, and their products are shipped to all the States and Territories west of the Rocky Mountains, to the Sandwich Islands, Japan, China, Australia, British Columbia, Mexico and South America.  From the incorporation of the business it has had a steady increase, and each year shows increasing trade and larger sales.  The firm also own 500 acres of land at Belmont, which they are improving for a dairy ranch, and its product is to be sold in San Francisco.  They are engaged in various other enterprises, both as a firm and personally.  They are men of excellent business ability, and have a bright future before them.

     The gentlemen who compose the firm are young business men, and both came to San Francisco when children.  Mr. Splivalo was born in Lima, Peru, in 1849, and came to this city the same year.  He was educated in the Santa Clara College, and has been identified with this State and city all his life, and new resides with his family in a fine home of his own building at Belmont.

     R. S. Palastri was born in Panama while his parents were on their way to San Francisco, and he received his education in the public schools of this city.  Previous to the incorporation of his present business, he was engaged in the hardware trade.  He is also married, and resides in San Francisco, and is a Californian in every sense of the word.


Transcribed 9-4-04 Marilyn R. Pankey.  


Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 1, page 490, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.


© 2004 Marilyn R. Pankey.


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