San Francisco County






A. W. Sorrell, proprietor of the Beale street mill at the corner of Beale and Mission streets, is a native of Essex, England, where he was educated, and subsequently served an apprenticeship of four years in learning the trade of carpenter.  In 1854 he went to Sydney, Australia, where he followed general contracting, and remained fifteen years, having built three of the finest churches and a large number of residences.  He was married in Sydney, in 1856, to Miss Jane Hayward, a native of old England.  In 1869 Mr. Sorrell and family emigrated to California.  On arrival in San Francisco he began work in the California mill, and there learned the process of manufacturing builders’ supplies, such as frames, sash, doors, blinds, brackets and general finish.  After seven years in the mill he then returned to contracting in general building, and he erected many handsome houses, flats and stores in the city.  In October, 1888, he established his present mill, which is fully equipped with modern machinery adapted to general mill work, suitably arranged as to utility of space and convenience of handling material.  Here, with an average of twenty men, they work up 2,000 feet of lumber per day into such shapes and forms as are required in the house finishing business, in which he is still engaged in contracting.  Mr. Sorrell is a member of the Knights of Honor, and honorable dealings with all men is the secret of his business success.


He has three children: Amelia J. and Sydney H., born in Australia, and Anna, in California.


Transcribed by Donna L. Becker 

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 1, pages 703-704, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2005 Donna L. Becker.







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