San Francisco County




Frank V. Smith


   Frank V. Smith (or Francisco V. do Nasamento), a well-known dairyman of Marin county, was born at St. George, Western Islands (Azores), April 24, 1858, was educated and reared in his native country until 1875, when he emigrated to America.  For a few months he remained at New Bedford, Massachusetts, and then came by rail to California, locating at Port Madera, Marin county, where he began the dairy business.  Removing later to Green Brase, he remained there some two years.  In 1887 he leased 1,300 acres of grazing land near San Rafael, known as San Pedro, where, he now resides and carries on a large dairy business, milking more than 150 cows and supplying a part of the local trade of San Rafael and San Francisco, with a delivery service in both cities.  He also manufactures large quantities of butter, selling it at San Francisco and at points nearer home.

   At San Rafael, February 26, 1884, he married Miss Rosa J. Bittancurt, a native of the Western Islands, and they have three daughters, viz,:  Maria, Anna and Rosa, aged respectively seven, six and three years.  Mr. Smith is the fourth of a family of seven children of Manuel V. and Anna (Josifa) Smith.  He was naturalized at San Rafael.  He is not a member of any secret society, but is a gentleman of close business habits and cordial manner.


Transcribed by David Rugeroni.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Page 213, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2005 David Rugeroni.




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