San Francisco County









      Captain Rudolph Smale, who is now the general agent of the Reliance Life Insurance Company at 544 Market street in San Francisco, is not only widely known as a reputable insurance man, but as one of the prominent seafaring men of the Pacific coast, his experience in the maritime occupation having covered a period of twenty-seven years, during which time he was captain of five different vessels. Captain Smale was born in Koenigsberg, Prussia, on August 1, 1865, and is a son of the late Frederick and Regina (Murkowsky) Smale, lifelong residents of the Fatherland. Frederick Smale was a successful grain dealer, and died in 1877, when only forty years of age. His wife died in 1905, at the age of seventy-six. Four children were born to their union, all of whom are deceased with the exception of the subject of this biography.

      Captain Smale received his education in the parochial and private schools of Koenigsberg, but most of his training he has acquired through practical experience. He is typical of the self-taught man, observant and a student of affairs at all times. When thirteen years old, the necessity of earning his own livelihood arose, and he began work. In 1882, when a youth of seventeen years, he went to sea, which was the beginning of a most eventful career, full of adventure and interest. He became familiar with the principal ports of the world, and with the inhabitants of many lands. In 1887, he first came to California, and in 1895 became master of the barkentine Argo. Subsequently, as noted, he became captain of five vessels at different times. On February 13, 1911, Captain Smale retired from the sea, much to the regret of shipping men upon the whole Pacific coast. No man in his business commanded a greater respect and admiration in the fraternity of the sea than he, and his leave-taking was a distinct loss to shipping interests. Then, on March 29th following his retirement, he became associated with the Reliance Life Insurance Company as general agent, and has so continued ever since, with pronounced success.

      Captain Smale has been twice married. In November, 1890, he married Julia Lawrence Jones, who traced her lineage to the Mayflower. Her parents were originally from Boston. Her death occurred April 27, 1915. On December 11, 1916, Captain Smale was married secondly to Lola Grace Gwynn, who was born in Kearney, Nebraska, a daughter of John and Jennie (Archer) Gwynn. Mrs. Smale is known as an accomplished pianist and organist, and is very popular in the circles in which she moves. The Smale family residence is situated at 195 Twenty-fifth avenue in San Franciso.

      Captain Smale has always been very devout in his religious beliefs, and has been a strong worker for his church, the Methodist. He is now a local preacher in the Grace Trinity Center in San Francisco. He is a thirty-second degree Mason, belonging to Richmond Lodge, No. 375, F. & A. M.; California Commandery, No. 1, K. T.; and the Mystic Shrine. His political support has been given to the republican party, since 1891, when he received his citizenship papers in San Francisco. Captain Smale has been a loyal member of the community in San Francisco, and has cooperated with local affairs in every way possible. He has the keen understanding of life and people which seafaring men acquire through their many contacts with humanity over the world, which, with a natural democratic personality, has brought him hosts of friends.



Transcribed by: Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.

Source: Byington, Lewis Francis, “History of San Francisco 3 Vols”, S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., Chicago, 1931. Vol. 2 Pages 452-454.

© 2007 Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.










California Biography Project


San Francisco County