San Francisco County



James Simpson, M. D.


James Simpson, M. D., whose office is at No. 234 Post street, San Francisco, has been a resident of California since 1857, and has been engaged in the practice of medicine since March, 1855.  He was born in Aroostook county, Maine, in 1829, and is of Scotch-Irish descent, his father having been born in Scotland and his mother in the north of Ireland.  Our subject received his early education in the private schools of his neighborhood, and several years of his early manhood was passed in teaching school in Canada.  In 1852 he commenced the study of medicine, under a preceptor, and later attended medical lectures at the Albany Medical College, and graduated from the University of the City of New York in 1855.  Dr. Simpson engaged in the practice of his profession first as a surgeon of an Atlantic steamer between New York and Liverpool.  Later he practiced medicine in Calais, Maine, until he came to California in1857.  He engaged in his profession in this State first in Yuba county, until 1863, and then in Grass Valley, Nevada county, until 1872.  In that year he came to San Francisco, where he has since been continuously engaged in the general practice of medicine.  


Dr. Simpson was for some years connected with the medical department of the University of California, occupying the chair of Materia Medica and Therapeutics.  He was appointed on the Board of Health of San Francisco by Governor Booth, reappointed by Governor Perkins and again appointed by Governor Stoneman, holding the position for twelve years.  He is now a member of the State Board of Health of California, and also a member of the State Medical Society of California, and of the County Medical Society of San Francisco.  He is a modest, unassuming man, and with the staid, dignified, sterling qualities of his race, he has by rectitude, medical skill and moral deportment, gained a high reputation as a physician, and universal esteem as a professional gentleman.


Transcribed Karen L. Pratt.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 1, page 649, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2005 Karen L. Pratt.



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