San Francisco County









      Devoting his attention to surgical work, Dr. Josiah A. Simpson is accorded a place of prominence in professional circles of San Francisco, where he has practiced for many years, and has spent the greater part of his life in California. He was born near High Point, in Moniteau county, Missouri, July 12, 1862, a son of Robert Simpson, and is of Scotch descent. His ancestors came to this country during the colonial period in its history and members of the Simpson family participated in the struggle for American independence. Robert Simpson was born in Mercer county, Kentucky, in 1818 and when a lad of eight years went with his parents to Missouri. His father, Robert Simpson, Sr., preempted one thousand acres of land in Missouri and was numbered among the early settlers’ of that state. He was called to public office, serving as a judge of the county court for many years. His son, Robert Simpson, Jr., became an agriculturist and remained in Missouri until his demise in 1871 at the age of fifty-three years. Martha A. (Adams) Simpson, the Doctor’s mother, was born in Cooper county, Missouri, in 1824 and passed away in 1901, when seventy-seven years of age. Her father, David Adams, who was of Scotch lineage, served with the rank of major in the War of 1812. To Mr. and Mrs. Simpson were born seven children, six sons and a daughter. The surviving children are: James W., whose home is in Stevensville, Montana; William C., a resident of Attica, Kansas, and Josiah A.

      Dr. Simpson acquired his public school education in Monroe county, Missouri, and pursued his collegiate work at Fulton, that state, where he won the Bachelor of Arts degree in 1887. He remained on the home farm until he reached the age of nineteen and in February, 1888, came to California. For a time he lived in Woodland and then removed to San Francisco. He enrolled as a student in the Cooper Medical College, now the medical department of Stanford University, and was awarded the M. D. degree on the 4th of December, 1891. After his graduation he joined Dr. E. L. Wemple, a well known physician, with whom he was associated for five years, and has since followed his profession independently in San Francisco. He was surgeon for the Western Sugar Refining Company for twenty-three years, and served on the medical examining board during the World War. He was a member of the surgical staff of St. Joseph’s Hospital and his practice has assumed large proportions. His work is marked by sureness, precision and skill and he has successfully performed many delicate operations.

      In Woodland, California, on the 19th of June, 1895, Dr. Simpson was married to Miss Fannie Stewart, who passed away in San Francisco on the 1st of February, 1929, at the age of fifty-eight years. She was a daughter of John M. and Emma (Snell) Stewart, who resided for many years in Randolph county, Missouri, but the family was originally from Virginia. Dr. and Mrs. Simpson were the parents of five children: Beverly, who was born October 9, 1896; John Stewart, deceased; Robert Bruce, deceased; Vernon L., who was born August 30, 1903; and Frances J., born January 28, 1908.

      The residence of the family is at 399 Moncada way and Dr. Simpson’s offices are situated in the Flood building at 870 Market street. His political allegiance is given to the republican party, and fraternally he is a Mason, identified with South San Francisco Lodge, No. 212, F. & A. M. He is a member of the San Francisco and California State Medical Societies and the American Medical Association and belongs as well to the Union League Club and to the Commonwealth Club of California. Studious and energetic, Dr. Simpson has steadily progressed in his profession and the respect that is uniformly accorded him is well deserved, for he has ever been actuated by high principles and worthy motives.



Transcribed by: Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.

Source: Byington, Lewis Francis, “History of San Francisco 3 Vols”, S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., Chicago, 1931. Vol. 2 Pages 249-251.

© 2007 Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.










California Biography Project


San Francisco County