San Francisco County






Hon. George W. Simpton


   Hon. George W. Simpton, of Sausalito, is a native of the Lone Star State, born in Galveston, November 2, 1846.  His parents were Gorge and Mary (Hughes) Simpton, natives of England and who emigrated to Texas in 1836.  The family came to California in 1849, when our subject was three years of age. The father was a prominent member of the Society of California Pioneers until his death.  The family were of a long-lived and prolific race.  The father died in 1887, and the mother in 1853.

   Young George, the sixth of their seven children, was reared and educated in Marin county, concluding with a course at Heald’s Business College in San Francisco.  After a few years of seafaring life, during which he was for a time on the Mexican coast as Spanish interpreter, he returned to San Francisco, and was for many years connected with the street railroads.  Going again to Marin county, in 1882 he was a special deputy Sheriff until 1885; then owned and kept a boat-house at Tiburon, in which latter he is still engaged at Sausalito. 

   While a resident of Tiburon he was elected a Justice of the Peace of Sausalito township, and is now filling the same office at Sausalito for the third term, and is also Notary Public.  Politically he is a Republican, and is quite active in public affairs.  Socially he has affiliated with the I.O.O.F., Fidelity Lodge, No. 222, of San Francisco, and is at present a member of the A. O. F., Court Star, of California, No. 7814, of Sausalito.

   In San Francisco, May 12, 1873, he married Miss Matilda Trummel, a native of San Francisco.  Her father was a pioneer of 1850, a carpenter by trade, and prominently identified with the early mining interest of Northern California.  He has a son, Frank G. by name.


Transcribed by David Rugeroni.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Page 224 - 225, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2005 David Rugeroni.




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