John Shuhy, a mining expert at San Rafael, is a native of the Emerald Isle, born in county Kerry, in the year 1840, where he was reared and educated until nineteen years of age, when he emigrated to America, continuing the trip from New York via Panama to California, in 1860. He is the fourth in a family of seven children born to his parents, John and Ellen (Toohey) Shuhy, both now deceased.

     On his arrival on the Pacific coast Mr. Shuhy at once became engaged in practical mining in the famous Comstock lode, at Virginia City, Nevada, and for many years followed that business, and prospecting in that State, as also in Arizona and New Mexico; but of late years his entire mining operations are confined to the State of California, his office being in San Francisco, although he is residing and spending his evenings of life at his beautiful residence in the city of San Rafael.  He has been for three successive terms a member of the City Council, being now a member, and as such has taken an active interest in the growth and sanitary conditions of the city.  He is now, and has been for some time advocating a better system of sewerage, holding that the gravity system is adequate for all practical purposes of perfect drainage, although his views have met with some opposition from other members of the board, who advocate the pumping system.

     Mr. Shuhy was joined in marriage at San Francisco, in 1870, with Miss Winifred Connelly, a native of Pennsylvania, born of Irish parents.  They have five children, -- two boys and three girls, -- also one daughter deceased. 

     Mr. Shuhy is a staunch Republican, and has always taken an active interest in local politics. He is a member of no secret orders, but affiliates with a benevolent society --Labor Union of San Rafael.


Transcribed 11-24-04  Marilyn R. Pankey


Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 1, page 619-620, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2004 Marilyn R. Pankey.


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