San Francisco County









SHERWOOD & SHERWOOD--The firm of Richard Harrison & Sherwood was organized in San Francisco in the early fifties, and in 1866 it was succeeded by the firm of Sherwood & Sherwood.  They were agents for imported malt liquors, English groceries, and fine old imported wines, all of which were transferred to the present house.

      Robert Sherwood, a pioneer of the State, is now the sole owner of the business, which is at present under the more direct management of his son, H. H. Sherwood.  They are large importers and commission merchants.  The line of agencies the house represents may be said to include the best known articles in their respective departments.  They represent the manufacturers of their lines of goods for the States and Territories west of the Rocky Mountains, and have branch houses at Portland and Los Angeles, which, with a competent force of traveling men, enables them to distribute the merchandise to the best advantage.  Their facilities for doing business are perhaps unequaled by any house on the Pacific coast.  Many of their lines of goods are laid down at seaports on the Pacific coast as cheap freights as they can be landed at Atlantic ports.  This is by reason of the fact that sailing vessels which must come for wheat cargoes are glad to accept low rates of freight on merchandise thence.  Their store, a four-story structure, completed in the most approved manner, is located in a desirable portion of the city, at Nos. 212 and 214 Market street, and 15 and 17 Pine street.  The first floor, aside from the fine office and sample room, is filled with cases wines, liquors and bottled ales, and the upper rooms are stored with a general grocery and fancy stock, and are reached by means of two large elevators.  The cask liquors are kept in the basement. The house ranks with the prominent business firms of San Francisco, and has a large and rapidly increasing trade.

Transcribed by Donna L. Becker. 

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, pages 678-679, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Donna L. Becker.



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