H. Clay Sheets, D. D. S., whose office is at No. 305 Kearny street, San Francisco, has been a resident of this State since 1851, and engaged in the practice of dentistry since 1870.  He was born in Fremont, Ohio, December 31, 1849, the son of Dr. O. H. P. Sheets, who crossed the plains to the Pacific coast during the winter of 1849, reaching California in the spring of 1850.  He had practiced medicine at his home in Ohio, but in this State engaged in mining and agricultural pursuits.  In later life, however, he again engaged in the medical profession.  He died in Arizona in 1884, and was of German descent, but for several generations the family have resided in the United States.  His father came from Germany and settled in Virginia, from which State Dr. Sheets removed to Ohio, and later to California.


The subject of this sketch was brought to California in 1851, where he was educated in the public schools, and later attended and graduated at the Hesperian College of Woodland, Yolo county.  He commenced the study of dentistry in 1868, under the preceptorship of Dr. S. M. Harris, a prominent dentist of Nevada county, and later President of the State Dental Association of California.  In that office Dr. Sheets studied two years, and then entered into the private practice of his profession in Carson City Nevada, in which State he remained several years.  In 1880 he established himself in San Francisco in the same office which he still occupies.  He is a member of the State Dental Association of California.

Transcribed Karen L. Pratt.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 1, page 617, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2004 Karen L. Pratt.


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