William Shaughnessy, of the firm of N. Parrish & Co., manufacturers of mouldings, brackets, frames and general mill work, at No. 30 to 34 Spear street. This business established under the name of California Mills in 1881, by the partnership of J. W. Bean and Norman Parrish, occupying a surface area of 75 x 90 feet, and employing an average of fifty men. This partnership continued until the death of Mr. Beane [sic], in April, 1889, when Mr. Shaughnessy was received into the firm. They manufacture wood finish for residences and business blocks, and perform general mill work, making ship and steamboat work a specialty. 

Norman Parrish was born in Cleveland, Ohio, in 1838, but was reared in McHenry county, Illinois, where his father subsequently settled. During the Pike’s Peak excitement of 1859, he started across the plains for that point, but as the reports proved false he came on to California, arriving in September of the same year. He then followed various occupations until 1867, when he was engaged by James Brokaw in the Mechanics’ Mill, and remained there until the partnership of Bean & Parrish was consummated. 

Mr. Parrish was married in San Francisco, in 1864, to Miss Sarah J. Lewis, a native of Maine, and they have three children: Hattie, now Mrs. E. J. Root; Cora and Walter N. 

Mr. Shaughnessy was born in San Francisco, February 15, 1857. His early education was received in the private schools until the public-school system was improved. At the age of fourteen years he began his life work, in the mill of Miller & Haley, and was subsequently employed in the old California Mill, where he remained until the fire of October, 1881, soon after which he was engaged by the firm of Bean & Parrish. After one year he became foreman and draughtsman, and May 13, 1889, purchased the interest of Mr. Bean, deceased, and the present partnership was formed, which has since continued. He was married in San Francisco, in June, 1882, to Miss Ida C. Martell, a native daughter, and the family now numbers four children, namely: Frank, Maggie, Ida and Ella. Mr. Shaughnessy is a member of Stanford Parlor, N. S. G. W., and of the order of Chosen Friends. He has never traveled beyond the borders of the State, but by devotion to business and by principles of integrity he has attained his present laudable success. 

Transcribed by Donna L. Becker 

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 1, page 516-517, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2004 Donna L. Becker.

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