San Francisco County











            Men who are by nature sympathetic and benevolent find in these fraternal and beneficiary orders a field for labor that is suited to their taste, and in this service they find their real enjoyment. As a rule, their faithful service begets leadership, and, like the faithful pilot, they stand at the helm until loving hands carry them to their grave. Brother Sewell has been a leader in fraternal society affairs for many years, and each year seems to add to his responsibilities and a demand for his services as an adviser and co-worker. He emigrated from England at the age of eleven years, and in the prime of manhood came to California in 1859, settling in Sonora, where he followed his occupation as carpenter and contractor for fifteen years. During his residence in Sonora he took a deep interest in the fire department. Six times Mr. Sewell was elected Secretary of Hose Company No. 1; once Treasurer of the same; twice appointed Secretary of Board of Fire Delegates; three times elected one of the five Trustees of the city of Sonora; five times elected First Assistant Engineer of the Sonora Fire Department; and four times Chief Engineer of the same. His fidelity is shown in this connection, that “for fifteen years he was never absent from his post in times of danger.”

            He is a veteran Odd Fellow, and during the year 1886 served with distinction as President of the Veteran Odd Fellows’ Association for the Pacific Coast. In 1876 and 1879 he was a Representative in the Grand Lodge of California. He became a member of Bald Mountain Encampment, and filled various official positions, and resigned that office of Scribe when he removed to San Francisco.

            He joined Triumph Lodge, 180, A. O. U. W., in 1881; served in several official positions, among which were M. W.; six terms as Financier, and District Deputy Grand Master in 1887. He did signal service as a member of Samaritan Council, No. 13, O. C. F., in the great secession movement in that Order, and was created a Past Councillor by the Supreme Lodge.

            At the last general election he was a candidate for School Trustee, and has served in civic official positions at different times during a term of years. He is a man of sterling worth, indomitable perseverance and strict integrity. Benevolent, frank and faithful to every trust, he has endeared himself to a large circle of warm friends and fraters. He has a State notoriety as a fine artist and skillful photographer. 




Transcribed By: Cecelia M. Setty.

Source: “Illustrated Fraternal Directory Including Educational Institutions on the Pacific Coast, Page 170, Publ. Bancroft Co., San Francisco. Cal.  1889.

© 2012 Cecelia M. Setty.






San Francisco County Biographies 

San Francisco County 

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