San Francisco County








H. C. SEIB, who has been identified with the musical profession in this city and State for more than a quarter of a century, was born in Bremen, German, in 1844.  His father and mother were both fine musicians, as were also his sisters.  Our subject was educated in his native city, and began the study of music at an early age.  Upon reaching his majority he came to the United States, and after remaining a short time in New York he came to San Francisco, arriving July 1, 1865.  He immediately engaged in teaching, and since that time, for more than twenty-five years, he has had a large and successful experience.  Professor Seib has also done much in composition, and has a great fondness for improvisation, and his creative power is acknowledged in the profession.  During his residence in this city he has made several visits to Europe and his native country, and in 1888, while in Germany, he attended the Wagner Festival at Bayreuth, the great musical event of the year in Europe.  Professor Seib has been identified with musical organizations and events in this city, is a Mason and an Odd Fellow, and is always ready to lend his services and assist in entertainments in behalf of worthy charities, and is a generous, high-minded gentleman.

Transcribed by Donna L. Becker 

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, page 179, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Donna L. Becker.



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