San Francisco County









One of the best known members of the California judiciary is Judge Emmet Seawell, Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of California. He has served on the bench for a quarter of a century, and the high standard which he early set for himself, and to which he has rigidly adhered throughout his career, has won for him the confidence and esteem of his colleagues in all parts of the state.


Judge Seawell is a native son of California, and was born in 1862 at Yountville, Napa County. He received his preparatory educational training in public schools of that county and Santa Rosa, then entered Pacific Methodist College, which conferred on him the degree of M. A. in 1887. His legal education was obtained through private study, and he was admitted to the California bar in 1890.


For two years Judge Seawell engaged in the general practice of law at Santa Rosa, and he was then elected District Attorney of Sonoma County, being re-elected in 1894. He returned to the private practice of his profession upon the expiration of his second term in this office, but in 1902 was elected Judge of the Superior Court of Sonoma County.


Judge Seawell's ability in a judicial capacity was immediately apparent, and his record throughout his first term was such a splendid one that he was re-elected in 1908. Since becoming a member of the Supreme Court he has duplicated his previous success.


Judge Seawell holds membership in the American Bar Association, State Bar of California and the Sonoma County Bar Association. He is also a member of various clubs and other organizations.



Transcribed by: Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.

Source: "American Blue Book California Lawyers" by H. James Boswell, Page 17, Produced by H. James Boswell, 1928.

© 2008 Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.








California Biography Project


San Francisco County