San Francisco County








JOSEPH LINCOLN SCOTCHLER, of Scotchler & Gottshall, real-estate agents of Oakland and Berkeley, was born in San Francisco, October, 1856, a son of Joseph B. and Ellen M. (Taggard) Scotchler.  The father, born in Boston, May 7, 1831, a son of James and Harriet (Huntress) Scotchler (see sketch of his brother, John J., in this volume), after graduating from the high-school of New Bedford, Massachusetts, where the family then resided, spent two or three years with Lawrence Grinnell in the insurance business in that city.  In 1852 he came to San Francisco by way of Cape Horn, and obtained a situation as bookkeeper for a wholesale house, where he remained two or three years.  After filling a similar position for another mercantile house for about a year, he became the confidential agent of Jonas G. Clark, who is famous among other things for having endowed the University of Worcester, Massachusetts, with $1,000,000.  J. B. Scotchler filled several responsible positions in this section, but was perhaps best known as the President of the Merchants’ Mutual Marine Insurance Company of San Francisco, which he helped organize.  He was its first Secretary and then its President until his early death, October 10, 1874.  He was also prominent in the Masonic order.  Six children and their mother survived him.  The sons are J. L., the subject of this sketch; Thomas G. and Harold Scotchler.  The mother, born in Charlestown, Massachusetts, in 1832, a daughter of John L. Taggard, formerly a merchant of that city and of San Francisco after 1852, is in good health and vigor for her years.  Her parents lived to be over sixty.

      J. L. Scotchler was educated chiefly in the schools of Oakland, and in the University of California, class of 1879; his first work was as bookkeeper for Whittier, Fuller & Co., in this city; then in San Francisco with J. N. Knowles in the shipping and commission business; then as cashier of the Sun Insurance Company of San Francisco, organized in 1882, being its cashier and bookkeeper from the first and continuing five years.  In July, 1887, he formed a partnership with Louis Gottshall, under the style of Scotchler & Gottshall, real-estate agents, first at 1010 Broadway, and now at the southeast corner of Ninth and Washington, Oakland, with an office also in Berkeley.  Mr. Scotchler has been Chairman of the Republican County Committee, campaign of 1888.  He is a member of Durant Lodge, No. 268, F. & A. M., and of Oakland Parlor, No. 50, N. S. G. W.

      He was married in San Francisco, in 1881, to Miss Nellie B. Whirlow, born in Cambridge, Massachusetts, in 1858, her father being of Pennsylvania and her mother of New England descent for several generations.  Mr. and Mrs. Scotchler have three children: Wallace, Mabel and Nelson.


Transcribed by Donna L. Becker 

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. _, pages 181-182 Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Donna L. Becker.



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