San Francisco County








JACOB SCHWEITZER was born in Baton, Germany, July 15, 1833. In 1854, when he reached his majority, he sought the gold fields of California. Arriving in San Francisco, he went to the mines in Calaveras county, and, with his brother, mined off and on for a few years. He made fair wages and with the money he had saved embarked in the general mercantile business, in which he was engaged at various placed until 1869. That year he came from Sonoma county to San Francisco.

      His father having been a drover, in early life Jacob became acquainted with the various details connected with the stock and meat business, and in 1870, in partnership with Isaac Levy, he opened the meat market establishment which he has since conducted, and which has grown to vast proportions. It was first situated on the opposite side of the street from his present location, No. 521 Clay street. Here for the past twenty-one years he has done an extensive and successful business. He built his residence and business house, and from time to time has invested his surplus means in city and ranch property until he is the owner of considerable real estate.

      He is a member of the R. A. M., and of the I. O. O. F. in all its branches. He has served as vice-president and director of the San Francisco Gas Company for several years. Mr. Schweitzer is a public-spirited and enterprising business man and enjoys the confidence and good-will of all who know him.


Transcribed 6-5-06 Marilyn R. Pankey.

Source: "The Bay of San Francisco," Vol. 2, Pages 413-414, Lewis Publishing Co, 1892.

© 2006 Marilyn R. Pankey.


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