San Francisco County








      Harry Schwartz, who is eminently successful as the manufacturer of medicated shampoo under the firm title of Schwartz’s, Ltd., Inc., at 1067 Mission street in San Francisco, is the inventor of the product which he makes, and which is the result of an instance of personal necessity.

      Mr. Schwartz is a native son of San Francisco, his birthday having occurred in the historic “south of the slot” district, and he attended the old Lincoln school. As a young man, he detected his hair in the process of falling out, and, having natural pride in retaining that which nature gave him, he proceeded to search for some remedy. He tried everything in the market, and hearkened to all the advice of his many friends, but everything recommended failed to produce results in his own case. Accordingly, having a knowledge of chemistry from study of former years, he began to experiment with various formulas for the making of a satisfactory hair tonic and shampoo, first in his own instance, and then among friends, who in turn advised him strongly to commercialize his discovery. First hesitant about making a business of his discovery, he finally constructed his own laboratories and began the manufacture of his products. Phenomenal success has attended his efforts, and the Schwartz medicated shampoo has now been placed on the market all over the United States and in foreign countries. The effectiveness and quality of the remedy for falling hair, itching scalp and similar ailments of this nature have been attested by well known men and women throughout the country. Leading druggists invariably carry copious stocks of the shampoo, and members of the tonsorial profession are unanimous in their approval of its efficacy. The success of the shampoo is based solely on high quality, on proved results, and not through sensational advertising. The merit of the goods is its own best advertisement. Mr. Schwartz has conducted the affairs of his company with rare skill, and has followed along ethical lines in the management of his affairs, thus winning the respect and admiration of his fellow citizens of San Francisco. His success is notably well merited.



Transcribed by: Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.

Source: Byington, Lewis Francis, “History of San Francisco 3 Vols”, S. J. Clarke Publishing Co., Chicago, 1931. Vol. 3 Pages 305-306.

© 2008 Jeanne Sturgis Taylor.










California Biography Project


San Francisco County